Frequently asked questions.
Get help writing your business plan
EBCI Enterprise Development Center
Contact: Amanda Thompson, 828-359-6708 or amanthom@ebci-nsn.gov.
Haywood Community College Small Business Center
Contact: 828-627-4512 or Email: hcc-sbc@hywood.edu.
Southwestern Community College Small Business Center
Contact: Marne Harris, 828-339-4211 or m_harris@southwesterncc.edu
Tri-County Community College Small Business Center
Contact: Lance Collins, 828-835-9564 or lcollins@tricountycc.edu
Western Carolina University Small Business & Technology Development Center (SBTDC)
Contact: 828-227-3504
Get help with personal financial issues
By law, you are entitled to check your credit once per year at no cost. You should be checking your credit annually to make sure there are no errors or indications of fraud on your credit record. Beware of other sites that tell you you're getting a free credit report. Many of these sites are really signing you up for a subscription that will cost you money in the long-run. This site is the ONLY federally authorized site for your free credit report. Contact Sequoyah Fund if you'd like help reading and interpreting your report.
Dave Ramsey has built a nifty, easy-to-use calculator to help you determine how much you will have at retirement based on when you want to retire, how much money you're starting with, and how much you can save each month.
Calculate your investment income here.
The Federal Reserve has developed a website and resources to help high school students plan their financial future. Chock full of good advice and tools, this website requires you to create a free account and log in to use it.
Invest In What's Next website
Other resources
The official guide to government information and services. Contains information on importing and exporting, taxes, government contracting, and more.
Visit their website
Free online courses from the Small Business Administration covering financing, sales, social media marketing, finding and attracting investors, accounting, growing your business, and more.
Visit their website