Outschool Side Hustle Pays Off for Teacher

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked significant societal changes. How we work and learn are two of the most pronounced changes. Many office workers have been able to use technology to work from home, allowing them to be productive during what was once their commute. It has also changed the nature of child care. Some parents have been able to care for their children at home – and educate them – while working from home.

With the widespread closure of schools, parents began to look for options to keep their kids engaged. Online, they found a wide variety of topics – and not just the typical elementary, middle, and high school fare. Courses that used to be common in schools but have lately been replaced by an emphasis on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) re-emerged online: Home economics, cooking, sewing, crafts, carpentry, etc.

At this same time parents were seeking new learning opportunities for their children, teachers were finding new opportunities for sharing their knowledge with students around the globe. The story of Jade Weatherington shows how one teacher used Outschool to generate a good income for her family. Like online dating services that match up people with other people, or online travel agencies that match up travelers with hotels and airlines, Outschool matches teachers and their topics with parents and kids.

If you’re a teacher, you don’t have to leave your full-time teaching job to teach on Outschool. You could use it as a side hustle to generate additional income. Even if you’re not a full-time school teacher, you could still use Outschool to share your skills and experience in drawing, calligraphy, language, critical thinking, how to run a lawn care business, car repair, sewing, or anything else. Many Outschool students still go to school full-time, but they supplement their learning with online topics.

Take a look at Outschool. Even if you have no interest in teaching, you may find a topic of interest to your child. If you think this might make an interesting side hustle, contact Sequoyah Fund. We can help you with planning your side hustle, and we can provide financing if needed.