Category: Personal Finance

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Bank Run Fears

Dear Dr. Per Cap: Why did that bank in California fail?  And if it happens at my bank, will I lose all the money in my account? Signed, Banking On Dear Banking On Unfortunately, the biggest U.S. bank failure since 2008 occurred earlier this year when Silicon Valley Bank tanked to the tune of over […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: MetaRez or Bust

Dear Dr. Per Cap: Real estate is so expensive, maybe I should buy land in the metaverse instead.  People are getting rich off digital assets and I could create a metaRez.  What do you think? Signed, Asset Hunter Dear Asset Hunter The virtual reality world of the future, aka the metaverse, has arrived. For readers […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: 20 Years Ahead

Dear Dr. Per Cap:  One of my New Year’s resolutions is to get a better handle on my finances.  I try this every year only to get sidetracked after a few months.  Any tips to help me stick with it? Signed,  Losing Focus Dear Losing Focus One reason people struggle with New Year’s resolutions is […]