Modify to Magnify

You don’t have to invent new, amazing products to generate huge, amazing profits. Read about how this Shark Tank contestant (and deal maker!) modified a common, popular product, recognized her limitations, and made the deal of a lifetime.

Is there a product that needs modification to meet a new need or satisfy a demand? Have you ever thought, “If they’d just change THIS, more people would buy it?” Well, who are “they?” Why not YOU? Opportunity may be hiding right under your nose. Try this little exercise to help spark your creativity:

Take a close look at 2-3 products you use every day or every week. What would you like to see changed? Could the handle be a little larger/smaller? Could it be stickier – or non-stick? Should it have velcro or a zipper instead of snaps and buttons? What if the lining were satin, or wool? Make notes on what you’d change, and talk to others who use that product. What’s their reaction? Is there more interest or excitement?

Could you create a side hustle – or even a full-time business – by modifying a common and widely used product? Let us help you work on your idea and get started the right way.