Making Money In Your Spare Time

“I don’t have time” is one of the most used excuses today. Truth is, we all have the same amount of time – it’s the one resource we share an equal amount of. You have just as much time as the most productive person in the world…and as much as the biggest time waster in the world. It’s what you DO with your time that matters.

If you have just a few extra hours a week and the drive to earn additional income, you can start a side hustle that turns your down time into bank deposits. This article shows you three things you can do to earn extra income without a huge investment. Even if one of these isn’t for you, can you think of something you can do that won’t take much money or time?

Here are a few things you can do to carve out those 10 hours each week:

  • Get up earlier. There are lots of hours in the day that you can’t control (i.e. work, taking the kids to practice, getting dinner on the table, sleep), but getting up earlier could mean an hour or two or uninterrupted time that you can use for your side hustle.
  • Pare down your wardrobe. Believe it or not, you probably spend a lot of time choosing what you’ll wear each day. By selecting a “uniform,” (i.e. khakis and a golf shirt), you’ll spend less time buying clothes and selecting your daily attire.
  • Turn off the TV. Television is the time-wasting winner by a long shot. Let TV be the reward for moving closer to a business or other goal, rather than the barrier that keeps you from it.
  • Get in bed earlier. Being more rested makes you more alert and improves your cognitive function (focus, decision making, etc.). Of course, this goes hand-in-hand with getting up earlier. Your late night time might be uninterrupted, but you might also be too tired to focus on your hustle.

Contact The Sequoyah Fund today, and let us help you plan and start that side hustle. (We’ll be happy to help you with more time-saving and productivity tips, too!)