Making Money by Teaching Money Management

SO many good ideas in this article about a woman whose side hustle replaced her full-time income. A few nuggets you’ll take away from reading:

  • Creating a side hustle blog that earned $4,000/month
  • Realizing she could do anything, but not everything
  • Stop throwing money after ideas that don’t work and drag you down
  • Setting boundaries when working from home
  • Separating your WORTH from your WORK

With a mission of helping millennials pay off debt, Lexa VanDamme not only practices what she preaches, she teaches what she practices by creating courses that add income to her blog.

If you need help with your personal finances, Sequoyah Fund offers a range of financial literacy courses and counseling, Credit Builder Loans, budgeting assistance, and help understanding your credit report and credit score. Contact us today to get your money on the right path and/or to start that side hustle you’ve been thinking about!