Do You Make Customers Swoon?

Swoon: Verb
/swo͞on/  Faint from extreme emotion.

While conducting entrepreneurship training in Greenville, NC this week, we took the trainees to a renowned local BBQ restaurant. One of the trainees is from New Jersey and asked if the group would recommend what she should order. Not being from the South, it was clear that she should start with a sweet tea.

When the tea arrived, we had the pleasure of watching her take her first sip. As is all good southern sweet tea, this batch was thick enough to pour over pancakes. It was sweeeeet! Her eyes rolled back in her head, her head leaned back, and she moaned. SHE MOANED! We thought she might faint. It was like she had never tasted anything so good. 

Let’s face it: Once you’ve experienced the art of the possible, you can never UNexperience it. That experience only makes you come to expect more the next time. Great customer experiences are like that. Once you’ve experienced greatness, you want more.

What are you doing to cause this reaction in your customers? What are you doing that is so good it causes them to swoon? What are you doing to introduce your customers to the art of the possible? Can you give them something they’ve never experienced before? Are they surprised – even overcome – by the experience?

You don’t need to go to great expense to wow your customers. You don’t need laser light shows and pyrotechnics. You just need to do what you do so well that you become THE expert at it. Do what you do so well that when customers think of it, they think of you first. Do it so well that, when they experience it, they swoon.

If a little BBQ restaurant can do that with a glass of sweet tea, you can do it in your business – whether it’s a dining experience, a clothing store, lawn maintenance, automotive care, pet sitting, social media management, plumbing, or any other field. No matter what business you’re in, you can create that first sweet tea moment for your customers.