Author: admin

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Tis the Season

Dear Dr. Per Cap: Every year the holiday season starts earlier.  A store near me had holiday displays with Christmas music in September.  I’m so tired of how the holidays have been commercialized and I’m made to feel like Scrooge if I don’t break the bank buying gifts for everyone.  Help! Signed, Don’t Call Me […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: More Pay-in-Four

Dear Dr. Per Cap: Earlier this year you wrote about the credit bureaus now including payments made on Pay-in-4 loans on credit reports.  However, I’ve paid back four Affirm loans this year for online purchases and my credit score hasn’t budged a point.  What gives? Signed, Wise Borrower Dear Wise Borrower Thank you for sharing.  […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Ready for Gig Work?

Dear Dr. Per Cap: I’ve got a nice little side hustle doing freelance consulting for a couple of tribes and a non-profit.  I’d really like to quit my regular job and be self-employed full time.  Am I ready? Signed, Gig Worker Dear Gig Worker Congrats on your freelance success!  Sounds like you’ve come to appreciate […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Financial Journey

Dear Dr. Per Cap: My spouse and I are trying to get our finances in order but he’s impatient and complains it’s taking too long.  How can I help him see the forest for the trees? Signed, The Patient One Dear Patient One Many people grow impatient when dealing with personal finances.  And contrary to […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Economic Catch-22

Dear Dr. Per Cap: The markets are in a nosedive and my 401k is getting hammered.  I’m freaking out and keep hearing it’s only gonna get worse.  What can the big shots in Washington do to save the sinking economy? Signed, Worried Investor Dear Worried Investor What’s been touted as the longest bull market in […]