Author: admin

Ask Dr. Per Cap: 85/50 Rule

Dear Dr. Per Cap: My grandkids will only wear brand name clothing like Nike, Adidas, and Under Armour.  I try to tell them the off brand stuff is just as good but they won’t listen and say it’s not cool to wear the cheaper stuff.  How can I convince them that just because something is […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Lowest Prices

Dear Dr. Per Cap: There’s a Walmart in a town near the rez where just about everyone shops.  Some people have jokingly nicknamed it the “Gathering of Nations”.  My cousin swears Walmart always has the lowest prices but I’m not so sure.  What’s your take? Signed, Wally World Woman Dear WWW Ah…the great debate to […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: FICO Fever

Dear Dr. Per Cap: I heard they are changing the way credit scores are calculated.  What gives?  I’m anxious to know why and how it will impact my own credit score. Signed, Nervous Borrower Dear Nervous Big changes are in the works at Fair Isaac Corporation, better known as the folks that bring us the […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Happy New Year

Another in the “Ask Dr. Per Cap” series from 2018. New content on the way soon! Dear Dr. Per Cap: My New Year’s resolution is to get my finances on track.  Can you offer any practical advice? Signed, New Year’s Wish Dear Wish Ho Ho Ho!  With the holidays over it’s time to jump back […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Worried In Washington

Ask Dr. Per Cap is a program funded by First Nations Development Institute with assistance from the FINRA Investor Education Foundation. For more information, visit To send a question to Dr. Per Cap, email Sequoyah Fund will be running these features here on our Blog. We’re starting with a couple of questions folks […]

Are You a Target for Fraud?

Here’s a sad fact: There are bad people who lie awake at night dreaming up ways to separate you from your hard-earned money. Here’s another fact: Everyone thinks they’d never fall for a scam, but almost everyone could be a potential victim. “Everyone, at certain times of life, can be prone to scams,” writes Certified […]

Do You Make Customers Swoon?

Swoon: Verb/swo͞on/  Faint from extreme emotion. While conducting entrepreneurship training in Greenville, NC this week, we took the trainees to a renowned local BBQ restaurant. One of the trainees is from New Jersey and asked if the group would recommend what she should order. Not being from the South, it was clear that she should […]

You Are What You Listen To

What are you doing with that 30 minute drive, that 15 minute wait, or that 45 minute workout? What’s going on in your head during that time? More to the point, what’s going INTO your head? Are you turning downtime into productive time or are you just being entertained? I’m a music junky. My Spotify […]