Author: admin

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Bad Dinner

Dear Dr. Per Cap: Last night my family went out to eat and everything was dreadful.  Horrible food, lousy service, and overpriced.  I complained to the manager who pretty much blew me off.  I’m still really ticked off but don’t know if it’s worth fussing over anymore.  What should I do? Signed, Disgruntled Diner Dear […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Equifax Settlement

Dear Dr. Per Cap:  I had my personal information stolen during the big Equifax security breach a couple years ago.  I heard a settlement was finally reached. Am I entitled to any money? Signed, Waiting Patiently Dear Waiting Welcome to the club.  You, me, and 147 million other Americans were effected by the major security […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Why Tip?

Dear Dr. Per Cap:  I’m a server at a restaurant and get frustrated when Native customers don’t tip.  I work hard to provide good service and it’s not only insulting but tough financially for a college student like myself; especially when my own people stiff me.  What’s up with Natives who don’t tip? Signed, Tips […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Impact Investing

Dear Dr. Per Cap: I read your column regularly and think I’m ready to start investing.  However, I don’t want to invest my money in a company or industry just because it’s profitable.  I also care about environmental and social issues and want to invest in responsible companies that feel the same way.  Any advice? […]