Author: admin

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Impulse Buying

Dear Dr. Per Cap: How can I control my spending?  Last week I blew $300 on Amazon and now I feel horrible.  That’s money I need to pay rent. Signed, Impulsive Dear Impulsive I’m really sorry to hear about your rent money.  Here are some ideas and tips to better manage your spending. Many personal […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Rising Food Costs

Dear Dr. Per Cap: I’ve noticed rising prices at the grocery store from the coronavirus.  How long before prices drop down to normal? Signed, Top Chef Dad Dear Top Chef Don’t hold your breath.  As we all know COVID-19 has disrupted our entire way of life, and the grocery industry has experienced some of the […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Where to Buy?

Dear Dr. Per Cap: My husband and I are planning to buy a house in the next year.  I want to live off the reservation but my hub insists we’ll save money if we build on the rez.  What’s your take? Signed, Suzie Homebuyer Dear Suzie You ask a burning question that impacts many Native […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Single Parent Challenges

Dear Dr. Per Cap: I’m a single parent along with most of my friends.  It’s tough but we get by.  Do you think single parents are at a financial disadvantage compared to two parent families? Signed, Single and Kind of Loving It Dear Single There’s interesting research by a sociology professor from Penn State University.  […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: COVID-19 Lockdown Refund

Dear Dr. Per Cap: Yesterday I received a refund check from my auto insurance company due to the coronavirus.  What exactly is the refund for? Signed, Careful Cruiser Dear Careful You’re one of the lucky drivers who received a COVID-19 lockdown insurance refund.  With all of the horrible news about the coronavirus, your shelter-in-place payback […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Coronavirus Cash

Dear Dr. Per Cap: As a senior taking care of two grandkids I’m worried people will start withdrawing all of their money from banks.  Should I start stock piling cash in case the COVID-19 pandemic gets really bad? Signed, Cash Cruncher Dear Cash Cruncher Fortunately we haven’t seen any Great Depression style bank runs due […]