Author: admin

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Zombie Debts

Dear Dr. Per Cap: Last week a collection agency contacted me about an old debt from ten years ago.  I thought they couldn’t chase down debts more than seven years old so what gives? Signed, Don’t Want to Pay Dear Don’t Want to Pay Yikes!  We’ve seen an increase in aggressive collection practices in recent […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Status Symbols

Dear Dr. Per Cap: My sister and her boyfriend are always bragging about stuff they buy – new truck, nice furniture, trips to Disneyland.  And she constantly posts on Facebook about their perfect life.  I love her but she makes me feel crappy.  How can I deal with these negative feelings when I can’t afford […]

Ask Dr. Per Cap: Low Interest Rates

Dear Dr. Per Cap: My savings account barely pays interest.  Looking at my monthly bank statements I haven’t earned more than 0.01% in years.  What’s the point of saving money when I only earn a few pennies of interest each month? Signed, Losing Interest Dear Losing I understand your frustration with today’s low interest savings […]