Forget Net Worth & Focus on THIS Instead

Peggy Doviak, a Norman, Oklahoma-based Certified Financial Planner (CFP) says that to measure financial success, stop worrying about your net worth. Net worth is the difference between what you OWN minus what you OWE. Doviak says you should be tracking your CASH FLOW instead. Cash flow is what you EARN minus what you PAY OUT. It’s what you have left over after all the bills are paid.

There’s a truckload of solid financial advice in this short article. Doviak’s advice isn’t earth-shattering, radical, or difficult to follow. It’s sensible, common-sense-based, and laid out in a way that is easy to digest (and accomplish).

Sequoyah Fund works with clients to get out of debt and build wealth. You don’t have to be starting a business to use our services. Whether it’s budgeting assistance, a Credit Builder Loan, ways to improve your credit score, advice on starting a side hustle, or just a nudge in the right direction, we can help. Contact us today to get started.